A thirty-something's view on action figures, comics, movies and sundry geek culture
November 27, 2010
Coming Attractions
I just picked up a couple of the 2011 Lego Pharaoh's Quest sets, and I have to say they are quite awesome. It is basically a group of adventures exploring Egyptian locales and coming into conflict with a group of mummies... yes mummies (snake ones, scarab ones, flying ones based on Horus). I'll post some more detailed reviews and pictures soon.
I also have a bunch of pretty recent Star Wars Clone Wars figures sitting on my desk. Unlike other sites, I won't do detailed figure by figure reviews, I'll just post a couple of pictures and tell you which ones I like the best.
I managed to see the premieres of both G.I. Joe: Renegades and Young Justice over the Thanksgiving holiday and I'll post some of my thoughts soon. All I have to say is Young Justice is spectacular! The character designs (best Hawkman/Hawkgirl ever), animation, voice acting and even the plot were top notch. A crazy blend of Teen Titans, Young Justice and the Outsiders. I am not the only one who thinks that the episode was great. Cartoon Network has another winner. The only negative is that I have to wait until January to see more. Renegades was serviceable, and I still need more time to make a final call.
November 23, 2010
The Lego Space Shuttle Adventure...Complete!
My daughter really wanted to help me with this one, but I selfishly ended up building it myself over a couple of nights. I'll make it up to her with many purchases of the new space sets that she can build herself.
The shuttle now has a prominent place on my desk, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to take it apart. If you are a Lego or space enthusiast definitely pick this up!
November 17, 2010
A New Look for Our Intrepid Jedi Trio

November 14, 2010
Boba Nostalgia
In Progress... The Lego Space Shuttle Adventure
November 10, 2010

November 8, 2010
How Much Tron Is Too Much Tron?
Disney is doing their best to promote the heck out of this movie and turn it into another franchise (sorry Prince of Persia and Sorcerer's Apprentice), which I applaud (I own stock). I loved the first movie and still remember seeing it with my dad at the Gold Circle Cinemas in Canton, Ohio when it came out in 1982 (I don't know if he liked it). I even had an "Art of Tron" book with all the great concept sketches by Moebius and other artists (wish I still had it). I didn't have the glow-in-the-dark action figures though.
Let's review some Tron-y stuff that has come out recently and been posted on every other website on the Internet. First up, the movie poster...great homage to the original (haven't reached Tron saturation yet).

Then there are the toys. I promised I wouldn't get roped into another line, and I haven't...except for this cool identity disc with lights and sound! How can you pass that up (well you might be able to)?
Then there was recent news of an animated series coming on Disney XD in 2012 called Tron: Uprising. OK, this has the potential to put me over the top, but wait...the voice case is rumored to include Elijah Wood, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Mandy Moore, Paul Reubens, and Lance Henriksen, with Bruce Boxleitner reprising his role as Tron! Great googily-moogily that's impressive (I am a sucker for anything with Frank Black/Bishop in it). Disney, you may continue your marketing blitz...
Next up, Disney owns Marvel, Marvel owns Iron Man, Disney owns Tron...hmmm maybe a Tron-inspired Iron Man? OK, this is getting close to pushing me over the top, but I will concede to corporate synergy.Will I reach my limit before the movie comes out? Will I be happy if loads of people go see it, love it, yet not know anything about the original? Will I force my poor daughter to see the original? We shall see...
End of line.
November 3, 2010
Lego + NASA = Pure Awesome!
Neat stuff...happy to see that there is going to be a parternship here. Two great things that taste great together! Check out the press release HERE and see the forthcoming Lego site HERE.
July 25, 2010
Holy Children's Programming Batman...
I found this bit of news extremely interesting and surprising, there is a new Young Justice cartoon series coming from WB and DC Comics. From this preview it looks incredible, I mean, really top notch. It looks like a combination of Justice League Jr. and the Teen Titans. The animation style looks astounding and quite mature.
It looks like the 2010-11 television season is going to bring us a lot of competition on the boy's cartoon front with Transformers: Prime, G.I. Joe: Renegades, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Young Justice. I know that I'll be tuning into this one. As toy companies are getting into television and movies, and the comic book publishers are pushing harder into other media, the competition for eye balls is going to be fierce. If this is a sample of what we are going to get, I am all for business diversification.
It hard to imagine that since the "Young Justice" concept was introduced in the late 90's we have seen an evolution to this:

June 28, 2010
Why Adults Love Lego...
June 22, 2010
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia

I recently picked up the latest DK Star Wars Clone Wars book, the Character Encyclopedia. It's 207 wonderful pages covering almost every single character that has appeared in the Clone Wars TV series to date. From the 2-1B Surgical Droid to Ziro the Hutt and everything in between. I mean, come on...the BD-3000 Luxury Droid, Davu Golec, the angel from Iego, Mathee Dunn (the Rodian mom from the episode where Cad Bane steals force-sensitive children). It covers everyone, which makes it a true encyclopedia.
I love books like this. With great graphics and short writeups, it is loads of fun to read (my daughter loves these types of books too, because she can ask lots of questions and memorize who everyone is). It has the standard witty DK callouts for each character like "welcoming expression", "jowls are evidence of vast appetites", and my personal favorite, "soul patch is kept immaculate". You also learn things you never, ever, ever thought you would know like Pilf Mukmuk (Hondo Ohnaka's pet monkey-lizard) has a brother named Pikk. Now you know...
I highly recommend this book to all fans of the Clone Wars TV show, it's a must have, and you'll flip through it again and again and agin.
June 16, 2010
Figure Review: Polar Sharc Submarine w/Ice Storm

The third wave of "Alpha-class" vehicles was cancelled after Hasbro tempted us with beautiful pictures and the chance to pre-order from our favorite on-line shops. The wave was mostly repaints, but one beautiful new, unique mold, movie-specific vehicle was part of the wave and is now in my greedy little hands. The product seemed to have trickled out to our neighbors in the north, and thanks to fine, enterprising Canadians on eBay, I now have the vehicle I was most looking forward to from the wave.
The Polar Sharc is a small "fighter sub" that was an integral part of the final battle in the movie. The mold is quite nice, the paint applications and color scheme are great and the detailing is top-notch. One nice little detail is the window on the bottom of the sub in addition to the canopy. My biggest complaint is that it is tiny! I think these were pretty large in the movie, and a bigger vehicle that could hold two figures would have been nice. It's a great futuristic design with a high swoosh-factor, make it bigger! My other complaint revolves around the stickers, I know this is a kid's toy, but the stickers for this were so small that applying them required magnification devices that worked at the angstrom level and tweezers.
The driver that comes with the vehicle is "Ice Storm", nice sculpt, good paint (love the metallic silver details). He looks exactly what you would expect an arctic sailor to look like (Helly Hansen-type jacket, high collar, snow pants, knit cap with a brim). He is just a bit too generic for a Joe, no personality really comes through that you would expect. If you need a plain arctic Coast Guardsman, Ice Storm is your man. (Overall Rating: Sharc 4/5, Ice Storm 3/5)
May 28, 2010
Figure Review: DC Direct Stargirl

I wanted to take a quick look at the recently released DC Direct JSA Series 2 Stargirl action figure. Stargirl, a.k.a. Courtney Whitmore, a creation of the illustrious Geoff Johns, has had her own comic serires (Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.), been part of the Justice Society of America for a long time, appeared in the animated show Justice League Unlimited (with her own figure from Mattel), and even had a live action appearance in Smallville.
We now finally have a comic accurate version of Stargirl to put along side of the other members of the Starman legacy (will we ever get a Mikaal Tomas, Prince Gavyn or Farris Knight figure? most likely not). The design is based on the JSA cover paintings of Alex Ross, with a pose typical of the more statue-like Ross interpretations of DC's heroes and villians. The blue metallic paint really works well and brings the figure to life. The attention to detail is nice with different reds used for the gloves and the Cosmic Converter Belt. There is something about the facial sculpt that strikes me a bit odd, but I can't put my finger on it (maybe the odd smile). Overall, I think this interpretation captures the character very well, and is a worthy addition to anyone's DC collection. (Overall Rating: 4/5)
May 27, 2010
Movie Review: Iron Man 2
I have always been a HUGE Iron Man fan (as it was one of the first comics that I regularly collected as a kid) and I loved the first movie. The sequel is comparable, but definitely not as well executed. I won't go into a plot recap, but I wanted to mention that a large segment of the beginning of the movie was Tony Stark exhibiting self-destructive behavior and being a general snarky @$$. Pretty amusing, but it started to wear thin after a while. The whole "I'm dying, so I'll go out in flames bit" works at first, but it doesn't have the same impact as the gradual decent in alcholism from the comics. Loved the "futurist" tone of the movie and the issues it brought up such as the use of drones by the military, the techno-utopian Stark Expo, and privatized security. I loved the interaction between Tony, Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff (a.k.a. Black Widow) in the donut shop. It really felt like a Marvel comic book come to life. The fight scenes were great. War Machine was awesome. Howard Stark as Howard Huges/Walt Disney/Wernher von Braun was classic. I was also quite happy that Agent Coulson returned (spinoff!).
The whole movie just seemed a bit frenetic and disjointed, it lingered too long on unimportant scenes and rushed through scenes that should have built dramatic tension. It just didn't hang together as well as the first. Still enjoyed it. Still can't wait for more exploits from Tony Stark/Iron Man in future movies whether it is the Avengers or Iron Man 3. I'll just count my blessings that I got two great films about one of my all-time favorite super heroes.